All are welcome to join us at our Easter Services:
Maundy Thursday Service with Communion
17 April at 7.30pm-9.00pm at East Chadley Lane
Our focus will be ‘The places Jesus went in the hours before his crucifixion’
Good Friday Service
18 April at 10.00am- 11.00am at East Chadley Lane
Our focus will be ‘It was for me’
Followed by refreshments and hot cross buns
Good Friday Reflection
18 April at 2.45pm-3.15pm at The Beacon Centre
A time of reflection on the grass at The Beacon Centre with three crosses when we will focus on ‘At the foot of the cross’.
Easter Sunday Resurrection Celebration
20 April at 10.30am at East Chadley Lane and The Beacon Centre
Followed by refreshments and hot cross buns