Children, young people and adults with care and support needs are a vital part of our church family. They have much to give as well as to receive. As we nurture them in worship, learning and in community life, we listen to them and respect their wishes and feelings. We take their safety very seriously, and provide training and support for those working with them.
For the protection of everyone involved with ‘children’, ‘young people’ and ‘adults with care and support needs’, we have a Safeguarding Policy implemented in accordance with the latest advice from our Safeguarding agency and current legislation.
Everyone working directly with ‘children’, ‘young people’ and ‘adults with care and support needs’ will have had an enhanced check carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). When new appointments are made, we also take up two references for each volunteer, interview them about their role, and provide them with training including Safeguarding issues.
We keep an accurate register of who is present, as well as records such as names, addresses, dates of birth, and special medical information (for example, allergies suffered or regular medication required). We fulfil our responsibilities under the Data Protection Act to keep this information in the appropriate ways.
Each group or activity for children and young people is led by at least two adults, and we carefully ensure that all activities are safely run.
Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
Our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures can be downloaded from our Documents library.
These procedures are also related to our whistleblowing policy.