Together is the name we use for our programme of monthly social events which are held at East Chadley Lane, The Beacon Centre, or in people’s homes and gardens, or sometimes in other places such as the local parks. These events are ideal opportunities for us to spend time together having fun – and to get to know people from across our whole church family and beyond. Our Sunday morning congregation at East Chadley Lane is big and busy – and there is never time to speak to everyone we’d like to catch up with! Others of us meet in our various congregations that are held at other times (eg Songs of Praise, Families Venture, Young Adults, The Beacon Centre). So these whole church fun events give us the time and space to get to know more people (and more about them – who knew the hidden talents of quizzers, chefs and murder mystery actors!) These events are also a great opportunity to invite family, friends and neighbours and others from our local community to join us just to have fun together.

So far, we have enjoyed quiz nights, a murder mystery evening, some summer picnics and bbqs, a Guess who’s coming to dinner event in people’s homes, and a harvest Ceilidh and supper.

Registered Charity No: 1188171