“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19)
Mission support and outreach is at the heart of Godmanchester Baptist Church. We believe in Jesus’ commission to go out into all the world and preach the gospel. We believe our mission field starts just outside these walls – among family, friends and neighbours around Godmanchester – and reaches to the furthest places around the globe.
We pray for and financially support our friends who have gone out to other countries taking the Good News of forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ. And we also support those who are reaching out to people nearer home.
We currently support the following individuals and agencies working overseas.
Anglo Indian Concern in Chennai – supporting vulnerable Anglo-Indians with:
- school and college fees, books, food aid
- pensions, medical fees, disability allowances
Rehoboth Children’s Homes and Kathryn Thompson in the Philippines – supporting vulnerable children and young people with:
- residential care at Rehoboth Children’s Homes
- education
- independent living
‘The Hope family’ in Central Asia – supporting mountain villagers with:
- infrastructure projects
- education
- language and translation
Closer to home
We also currently support the following agencies working locally and in the UK to support people and share the gospel in various ways.
Cornerstone – pregnancy advice
FoodBank – alleviating food poverty
GenR8 – evangelism in primary schools
HAMA – money advice
Home Mission – supporting our Baptist family: regional ministers, smaller churches, training and specialist support
Thrive – cross church youth work