We are a large church family of all ages and from diverse backgrounds. As a multi-congregational church we are able to provide and enjoy a variety of opportunities for worship. We meet in two locations: East Chadley Lane, Godmanchester (ECL) and The Beacon Centre, Little Stukeley (TBC).
We want our congregations to be a safe place where all people can explore what it means to love God, love others and make disciples. We want everyone to feel welcome and have a sense of belonging.
If mobility is difficult for you, you’ll find designated parking outside our door, our main worship room is on the ground floor, and the building is wheelchair accessible. If you have additional needs, or know someone who has, we would love to give you a warm welcome and help you to feel at home here. Full information can be found here.
Sunday Celebrations at 10.30am at East Chadley Lane and The Beacon Centre
Our largest congregation meets at 10.30am on a Sunday morning at ECL. We also hold a weekly Sunday morning service at 10.30am at TBC. Services are led by our pastors, our worship groups and our preaching team. At our ECL service we begin with the whole congregation together and then children and young people go out to their groups. Details of these are here.
After the service we enjoy sharing refreshments and time catching up with each other, and our prayer team are always available to pray with those who would like that opportunity.
Our ECL services are also recorded and available to watch online on our YouTube channel.
Songs of Praise at 4.00pm at East Chadley Lane
Our monthly Songs of Praise congregation meets on the third Sunday afternoon of the month. Services include the best of traditional hymns and songs together with readings and prayers and a clear relevant message. After the service we enjoy sharing tea together – sandwiches, cakes and other treats!
Families Venture at 4.00pm at East Chadley Lane
Our Families Venture congregation meets on the second Sunday afternoon of the month at 4.00pm for fun, games, craft, worship and Bible stories. It’s for families who want to learn more about who Jesus is and the difference he makes in our lives. We finish the afternoon with a meal together.
Uth at 6.00pm at East Chadley Lane
6.00pm-7.00pm on Sunday evenings for school years 8-13. An opportunity to discover what being a Christian is about.
18-30 Adult Congregation at The Beacon Centre
Our 18-30 adult congregation meets fortnightly on a Sunday evening where they share food and fellowship together. They regularly use the head, heart, hands model of Bible Study to reflect on passages from the Bible and how the content can then impact their daily life.